Overview: Bar Graph

Introduction to Bar Graph #

This document introductes Bar Graph in OnPing and briefly describes how to create and one.

What is Bar Graph? #

Generally speaking, bar graphs are graphical representations of data in the form of horizontal or vertical bars. The height (or width) of the bars is proportional to the data value they represent.

In OnPing, these graphs are magaged through the Bar Graph widget feature. OnPing’s Bar Graph widget supports the full scope of standard bar graph orientations: horizontal, vertical, grouped, and stacked.

Creating a Bar Graph #

First, add a Bar Graph widget.

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After adding the graph, add a label then save the dashboard. The newly created graph will be displayed on the panel with the new name.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png

Adding Metric to Bar Graph #

Now that we have a graph, it’s time to add stuff to it!

To add information to the graph, first open the widget editting window, then scroll down to the settings area, shown below:

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Enter the “Metric” name. It indicates a name for the comparison of metric values across different groups of data points. Other values to be set up are the update frequency, minimum range value, maximum range value, graph orientation (horizontal or vertical), and graph type (Stacked or Individual).

You can scroll down further to the Groups and Parameters setting area as shown below

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You can create multiple groups of graphs, each with multiple bars. Each bar will be connected to a parameter as data source, by clicking on the Parameter button and selecting a parameter as shown below:

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Once you have attached a parameter to each bar and selected its color, you can scroll back up and click on the Save button to save the graph.

Now you can view the graph at the top of the display area:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-5.png

You can click on the hamburger menu at the top-right corner of the graph to access a menu to print or export the graph.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-6.png

Summary #

The Bar Graph feature on OnPing provides a pictorial vision of categorical values of the process to analyze and compare.  By using multiple groups, you can view comparative values in a graphical format to help decision-making on process management and enhancement.

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