Spot Report Custom Formatting: Config Files

The spot report config file let you control how to fill in a template spreadsheet with data from a custom table.

1) Your config file won’t be used unless there is also a spreadsheet template uploaded for this table. See the guide Spot Report Custom Formatting: Templates for help.

2) When using the template for CSV reports, only the first sheet will be used to generate the CSV.

3) An example config file shown below. For each sheet in the spreadsheet that you want to write data to, add a new entry with the sheet name and list of pair transforms as shown below.

let mkRow =
\(r : Natural)
-> \(c : Natural)
-> \(er : Natural)
-> \(ec : Natural)
-> { from =
{ _1 = {_unCRow = r}, _2 = {_unCCol = c} }
, to =
{ _1 = {_unXRow = er}, _2 = {_unXCol = ec} }
{sheetName = {unSheetName = "Sheet1"},
pairTransforms = [
mkRow 2 1 11 17,
mkRow 0 3 12 15
{sheetName = {unSheetName = "Sheet2"},
pairTransforms = [
mkRow 1 1 11 17,
mkRow 0 0 12 15

4) Fill out the pair transforms for each sheet.

Each of the entries in the pair transforms field describes how to link one cell in the custom table to another cell in the spreadsheet. The first two numbers after “mkRow” represent the row and column of the cell in the custom table, excluding the column headers. The rows and columns both start from zero. The second two numbers are the spreadsheet row and column; however, in the spreadsheet the rows and columns start from one.

5) Save your config file as a .dhall file and upload it under the “Import/Export Config File” heading.

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