Emissions Tracking in OnPing: A Case Study 

Emissions Tracking with OnPing

Accuracy and efficiency of emissions reports are crucial. This case study explores how an existing client of OnPing adapted its features to comply with regulations, focusing on the capabilities of tracking emissions through Flare Runtimes and OnPing reports.

OnPing enabled our client to reliably answer questions from an existing data source. The ease of adaptation to new compliance requirements in emissions reporting through OnPing meant the client could stay focused on day to day operations without the headache commonly associated with regulatory hurdles.

Emissions Tracking in OnPing


The client’s challenge was to track flare runtimes each month, a process that was previously tedious and manual. OnPing already had a Flare Run Time metric tracking activity with a basic accumulator. This metric represented an all-time accumulation of the flare’s status indicator. When the flare was ‘On’, time was added to the tag, and this accumulation paused when the flare was ‘Off’.

To streamline this process, the OnPing team utilized the client’s existing manual spreadsheet to create a template for OnPing Spot Reports. They integrated the existing Flare Run Time status with this new Report Template. A script was written to extract a ‘Last Month’ value from the accumulated total. As a result, the client now benefits from automated monthly Flare tracking reports.

This methodology demonstrates the efficiency of using minimal information—a single flare status tag—to generate comprehensive emission source data. Such an approach is increasingly important for effective environmental management, production tracking, and staying ahead in regulatory compliance.


Upon integrating OnPing’s solution, the client experienced significant improvements in their emissions tracking process. The automation of monthly flare reports not only saved time but also increased accuracy, eliminating the need for manual calculations and data entry.

Key Outcomes and Impact of OnPing Emissions Tracking System

  1. Time Efficiency: The automation of the reporting process reduced the time spent on manual data entry and calculations, allowing staff to focus on mission critical tasks.
  2. Accuracy in Reporting: Automated data extraction and report generation ensured higher accuracy in emissions reporting, minimizing human error.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: The precise and timely reports generated by OnPing’s system facilitated compliance with the latest emissions regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  4. Operational Insights: The detailed reports provided deeper insights into flare operations, enabling the client to make informed decisions for operational improvements.

Why It Matters:

The adoption of OnPing’s automated emissions tracking system is pivotal in illustrating the power of digital transformation in industrial operations.

  1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Automation significantly reduces the time and resources required for data management, leading to streamlined operations and cost savings.
  2. Improved Data Accuracy and Reliability: Automated systems minimize human error in data entry and calculations, ensuring higher reliability in operational data.
  3. Adaptability to Regulatory Changes: The ability to quickly adapt to new regulations without major operational disruptions is crucial for maintaining business continuity and competitiveness.

In essence, this case study underscores the importance of embracing advanced technological solutions for operational efficiency, data accuracy, and regulatory adaptability in industrial settings.

Conclusion – Emissions Tracking in OnPing is Simple and Effective:

The successful implementation of OnPing’s automated reporting system showcases its ability to transform complex data processes into streamlined, efficient operations. The client’s case serves as a testament to OnPing’s effectiveness in addressing the dynamic needs of industrial emissions reporting.