Custom tables are used to view a specific set of parameters, such as tank volumes. Creating a custom table is also an efficient way to list writable setpoints.

1) Go to the dashboard you want to add the custom table to.
2) Click on the panel, then click “Edit Dashboard” in the top right of the screen and then “Add Widget.” Scroll down and find “Custom Table” under “Tables” Click “Add”
3) Name the table and then click “Edit Table Contents”
4) From here you can import the data directly from an existing Excel file or manually set up the table. To do it manually, continue with the following steps
5) Click “Add Row” and “Add Column” once for each row or column you wish to have.
6) You can now add custom information into the cells
7) Once you are finished, click the green “Save Custom Table” button.
8) It is important that before exiting, you scroll back to the very top and click the blue “Save” button in the upper right corner.
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