Using Custom Table Import/Export

Custom table allows you to import/export to/from Excel. The way each cell exports to Excel differs based on the type of Cell.

Text Cells #

A text cell is exported to Excel as plain text

some text
[onping main page](

where the text is displayed in Onping exactly as its displayed in Excel

You can also specify links with plain text by using markdown link syntax

[onping main page](

where the text between brackets is displayed in Onping and clicking the link takes you to the URL specified in parentheses.

Exporting PID Cells #

A cell display a PID result gets exported as the underlying PID

A PID cell without extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format


where the result of PID 819 gets displayed in Onping

A PID cell with extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format

{ sourceId = 819, fields = [ "location", "name", "result" ] }

where the location name, parameter name and result are displayed in Onping

Exporting Status Cells #

Instead of displaying the result of a PID, you can display a status badge based on whether the value is zero.

If the value of the PID is zero, a red status badge appears in Onping, otherwise it appears as a green status badge.

A Status cell without extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format

{ statusPid = 819 }

where the result of PID 819 gets displayed in Onping as a status badge

A Status cell with extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format

{ sourceId =
{ statusPid = 819 }
, fields =
[ "writeable", "result" ]

where the result of 819 gets converted to a status badge along with the parameters writeability settings in Onping

Exporting Virtual Parameter Cells #

A Virtual Parameter without extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format:

{ vpid = 5 }

where the result of the vpid gets displayed in Onping

A Virtual Parameter with extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format:

{ sourceId =
{ vpid = 5 }
, fields =
[ "result", "date", "time" ]

where the result of the virtual parameter gets displayed along with the last update Date and Time in Onping

Exporting Virtual Parameter Status Cells #

Just like a normal PID, you can display a virtual parameter as a status badge

A Virtual Parameter Status without extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format:

{ statusVPid = 5 }

where the result of the vpid gets displayed as a status badge in Onping

A Virtual Parameter Status with extra info gets exported to Excel in the following format:

{ sourceId =
{ statusVPid = 5 }
, fields =
[ "date", "result" ]

where the result of the vpid gets displayed as a status badge along with the last update date in Onping

List of Displayable extra Info fields #

When specifying extra info to be displayed for PID, Status, Virtual Parameter or Virtual Parameter Status cells, these are the following options currently available:

"location"    -> Display location name
"name" -> Display parameter name
"pid" -> Display PID number
"unit" -> Display units
"writeable" -> Display writeable settings
"date" -> Display last update date
"result" -> Display current parameter value
"time" -> Display last update time of day
"companyId" -> Display parameter's company Id
"siteId" -> Display parameter's site Id
"locationId" -> Display parameter's location Id

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