After creating a dashboard it can be edited at any time using the edit dashboard function.
To perform this function you must have first created a dashboard. You can do that by using this tutorial.
1) Log in to OnPing.
2) Click the wrench icon to access the drop-down menu and click “Edit Dashboard”.
3) From the next screen, click the wrench icon next to the dashboard you wish to edit.
4) From the next screen you can edit panels, duplicate them, delete them, rename them, or change their position. Click the wrench next to the panel you’d like to edit. The arrows will move the panel up or down within the dashboard menu. The plus sign will create a new sub-panel within the one you’re editing. The pencil and paper icon will allow you to edit the panel, the X will delete it.
5) Once all the changes are made to the dashboard you’d like to make, click “Update” to save the dashboard.
If you have any thoughts, ideas, or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or use the contact feature at www.onping.net