Mass Writes to Devices in OnPing

Dhall format #

Since mass writes now supports XLSX, we need to supply a sheet
name within the key transform file. Where we can specify the
sheet name via the dataSheet key:

let tft =
\(csvR : Natural)  ->
\(csvC : Natural) ->
\(pId : Natural) ->
  { dataCell = {csvRow = csvR, csvCol = csvC}
  , dataSheet = Some "Sheet 1"
  , dataPid = pId
  , timeCell = None { csvRow : Natural, csvCol : Natural } 
  , timeFormat = None Text

Finding relative cells by
Regex #

You can also lookup the value of a cell with regexes:

    < Absolute :
        { dataCell : { csvRow : Natural, csvCol : Natural }
        , dataSheet : Optional Text
        , dataPid : Natural
        , timeCell : Optional { csvRow : Natural, csvCol : Natural }
        , timeFormat : Optional Text
    | Relative :
        { origin : { regexesRow : List Text, regexesCol : List Text }
        , relativeDataCell : { relativeRow : Integer, relativeCol : Integer }
        , dataSheet : Optional Text
        , dataPid : Natural
        , relativeTimeCell :
            Optional { relativeRow : Integer, relativeCol : Integer }
        , timeFormat : Optional Text
        }>.Relative {
            relativeDataCell = {relativeRow = +0, relativeCol = +1}
            , origin = { regexesRow = ["a*","c.*"], regexesCol = ["data"] }
            , dataPid = 15034318
            , relativeTimeCell = None { relativeRow : Integer, relativeCol : Integer }
            , timeFormat = None Text
            , dataSheet = None Text

Regex #

The origin field have the type
{ regexesRow : List Text, regexesCol : List Text }. The
program is taking every input regex in regexesRow and it
tries to find which row match every regex. It does the same process with
columns using regexesCol. Once it find both, it takes the
resulting cell and add the relative value contained in
relativeDataCell and relativeTimeCell to find
where the actual data is.

Example #

In the example below we have a table that looks like this:<table>


We can set the origin row as below…

origin = { regexesRow = ["Tank.*","Oklahoma"], regexesCol = ["data"] }
relativeDataCell = {relativeRow = +0, relativeCol = +0}
relativeTimeCell = Some {relativeRow = +0, relativeCol = +1}

Here, the only row that match both Tank.* and
Oklahoma is the 3rd row
Tank2, Oklahoma, 21, 2021-12-13 and the only column that
match data is the 3rd column. The origin cell is
{row : 3, column : 3}, the cell with the value
21. This means that every other data point can be calculated relative to this row.

To find the actual data, we add the origin cell to the
relativeDataCell, which gives us the cell
{row : 3 + 0, column : 3 + 0}, so the data is
21 To find the time cell, we add the origin cell to the
relativeTimeCell, which gives us the cell
{row : 3 + 0, column : 3 + 1}, so the time is

Fields description

  • origin Regexes to find the origin cell
  • relativeDataCell Where is the data cell you’re looking for relative to
    the cell found using regexes. Can use positive and negative numbers
  • dataSheet optional excel sheet
  • dataPid parameter ID of the entry
  • relativeTimeCell Where is the time cell you’re looking for relative to
    the cell found using regexes. You can use positive and negative numbers.
  • timeFormat Time format of the time cell

You can also mix the relative cells and the absolute
cells in the same file using this format:

< Absolute :
    { dataCell : { csvRow : Natural, csvCol : Natural }
    , dataSheet : Optional Text
    , dataPid : Natural
    , timeCell : Optional { csvRow : Natural, csvCol : Natural }
    , timeFormat : Optional Text
| Relative :
    { origin : { regexesRow : List Text, regexesCol : List Text }
    , relativeDataCell : { relativeRow : Integer, relativeCol : Integer }
    , dataSheet : Optional Text
    , dataPid : Natural
    , relativeTimeCell :
        Optional { relativeRow : Integer, relativeCol : Integer }
    , timeFormat : Optional Text
    }>.Absolute {dataCell = {csvRow = 3, csvCol = 2}
    , dataPid = 15034318
    , timeCell = Some { csvRow = 4, csvCol = 1 } 
    , timeFormat = Some "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
    , dataSheet = None Text

Time Formatting Helpers


  • %z  timezone offset in the format ±HHMM
  • %Ez timezone offset in the format ±HH:MM
  • %Z timezone name (or else offset in the format ±HHMM)
  • %EZ timezone name (or else offset in the format ±HH:MM)

Time of Day

  • %R same as %H:%M
  • %T same as %H:%M:%S
  • %X as timeFmt locale (e.g. %H:%M:%S)
  • %r as time12Fmt locale (e.g. %I:%M:%S %p)
  • %P day-half of day from (amPm locale), converted to lowercase, am, pm
  • %p day-half of day from (amPm locale), AM, PM
  • %H hour of day (24-hour), 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 23
  • %k hour of day (24-hour), space-padded to two chars, 0 – 23
  • %I hour of day-half (12-hour), 0-padded to two chars, 01 – 12
  • %l hour of day-half (12-hour), space-padded to two chars, 1 – 12
  • %M minute of hour, 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 59
  • %S second of minute (without decimal part), 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 60
  • %q picosecond of second, 0-padded to twelve chars, 000000000000 – 999999999999.
  • %Q decimal point and fraction of second, up to 12 second decimals, without trailing zeros. For a whole number of seconds, %Q omits the decimal point unless padding is specified.

UTC Time and Zoned Time

  • %s number of whole seconds since the Unix epoch. For times before the Unix epoch, this is a negative number. Note that in %s.%q and %s%Q the decimals are positive, not negative. For example, 0.9 seconds before the Unix epoch is formatted as -1.1 with %s%Q.

Day Of The Week

  • %u day of week number for Week Date format, 1 (= Monday) – 7 (= Sunday)
  • %w day of week number, 0 (= Sunday) – 6 (= Saturday)
  • %a day of week, short form (snd from wDays locale), Sun – Sat
  • %A day of week, long form (fst from wDays locale), Sunday – Saturday


  • %Y year, no padding. Note %0Y and %_Y pad to four chars
  • %y year of century, 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 99
  • %C century, no padding. Note %0C and %_C pad to two chars
  • %B month name, long form (fst from months locale), January – December
  • %b month name, short form (snd from months locale), Jan – Dec
  • %m month of year, 0-padded to two chars, 01 – 12


  • %D same as %m/%d/%y
  • %F same as %Y-%m-%d
  • %x as dateFmt locale (e.g. %m/%d/%y)
  • %d day of month, 0-padded to two chars, 01 – 31
  • %e day of month, space-padded to two chars, 1 – 31
  • %j day of year, 0-padded to three chars, 001 – 366
  • %f century for Week Date format, no padding. Note %0f and %_f pad to two chars
  • %V week of year for Week Date format, 0-padded to two chars, 01 – 53
  • %U week of year where weeks start on Sunday (as sundayStartWeek), 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 53
  • %W week of year where weeks start on Monday (as mondayStartWeek), 0-padded to two chars, 00 – 53

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